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Chrytatywna Choinka




Schronisko dla Bezdomnych Zwierząt w Sosnowcu

Hello, they call me Miki. I was abandoned by the previous owners. I came to the shelter with a serious paw injury. So serious that surgery and several months of rehabilitation were necessary. Despite all the evil this man has done to me, I still love him. As befits a young dog, I am energetic and joyful. Already at the first meeting, I ask for attention, which I still don't get enough of at the shelter. I am a very smart dog and only need a few repetitions to fully learn a new command. I respond to "sit", "give your paw", "look at me" and I learn the next ones. Exercises that stimulate my mind are important to me, as they give me the opportunity to take a break from the hustle and bustle of the shelter. When exercising, I am focused and calm. On walks, I sometimes grab the leash, but I respond to corrections. Areas away from the shelter are very interesting to me because I have a lot of opportunities to discover new smells.

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